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#49 Be prepared for my return
Read Matthew 24:36-51
“42 Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. 43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”
Modern Christians tend to focus on Jesus’ entry into the world as a baby more than they do his promise to return as King. While Christmas is truly worth celebrating and a great time to share his message, Jesus himself calls us to ensure that we are “ready” for his return. Given how adamant he is, it’s worth considering, “Exactly how do I get ‘ready’?”
While we tend to think preparation involves learning, via courses or books, if we read around Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus gives us a few clues to getting ready.
Firstly, we are to be “awake” and “ready” for Him to return at any time, given that no one knows the day or hour to expect him. Secondly, this state of readiness is characterised by active anticipation, not a sleepy idleness. In Matthew 24 and 25, this action seems to be a matter of fulfilling the roles and tasks that God has called us to do in our own lives and to faithfully become the kinds of people that mirror the life and love of Jesus.
In a very simple way, this is like a parent asking their children to clean their room at the end of each day. “OK Guys, I’m going to cook dinner and when I come back I want everything to be perfectly in order!” Anyone who has made that request knows that the issue isn’t that the average child will simply refuse to do their job but is most likely to either fight with a sibling or just get distracted! Like children, we need a reminder to “stay on target and stop mucking around!” We are easily distracted from not just our calling in life but also our identity – followers of Jesus called to live lives marked by love! So let’s be “ready” for Jesus’ return by doing the things, and being the people that, he has called us to!
Recently, my sister returned from a long period of living and working in a remote part of the world! We joined a throng of people in the lounge at the International Airport anxiously awaiting her return. While everyone in the lounge sat blankly, staring at their phones or pretending to be asleep, when their relative or friend came through the doors, they sprang to their feet and enthusiastically welcomed their loved ones.
When my sister came through the door the whole family likewise, jumped up, yelled out and ran to embrace her. This response is the kind of active anticipation for Jesus’ return he is asking for! Being ‘ready’ for Jesus isn’t being sound asleep thinking, “I’ll see you when I see you”, but, “I can’t wait to see you, Jesus!” What would active anticipation of Jesus’ return look like for you?