#51 Go, make, baptise and teach disciples

Read Matthew 28:1-20; Mark 16:15

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

When someone leaves this earth after a full life, we often say that they have left a good “legacy”. Right before Jesus ascended into heaven he left more than a legacy; he left a directive that would transform history and eternity.

The directive, often called ‘the Great Commission’ essentially has four parts to it: “go” and “make disciples” by “baptising them” and “teaching them” to obey all His commands. In reality, this is simply a mirroring of what Jesus had done for His followers.

He had literally come down from heaven to find people who were looking for him. As people responded to his gospel message and invitation to, “come, follow me”, he baptised them (though Jesus didn’t baptise himself, he had his disciples do it. See John 4:1-2) and taught them to obey all that the Father had commanded him to teach.

Each of Jesus’ followers is called to not only follow Jesus personally but to follow his example by giving the same invitation to every person, in every nation, on every continent, throughout the entire world. As we find people who want to become disciples (followers) of Jesus, we are to initiate them into their new life by baptism and continue to teach them how to live like him in every way we know!

It’s sobering to realise that this rag-tag band of followers were not Ivy-league elites, but regular people. It’s not only bewildering that Jesus believed that they were capable of fulfilling his directive, but also that he likewise trusts regular people like you and I! So rather than focusing on the enormity of the task he has given to us, I encourage you to reflect upon the enormity of the trust he has placed in us. This kind of divine trust doesn’t just provide a sense of security but is meant to provide the kind of courage that propels us out of our limitations, comfort zones and habits into a future where we find ways to help others find and follow Jesus just like us.

As he trusts us to fulfil this mission, so we need to trust him to do what only he can do! As much as we’d like to ‘make’ people follow Jesus, none of us can manufacture true faith. Rather, we can simply point people to Jesus and trust the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ spirit, to work miracles and transformation in their lives.

How do you feel knowing that God trusts you to fulfil his mission? What difference does it make to know Jesus has promised to be present with you wherever you go?