#14 Let your light shine

Read Matthew 5:1-16

14 You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

In today’s Christian culture we often talk about God as “light” and at Christmas we have many carols about how Jesus is the “light of the world”. So when we hear Jesus say in Matthew 5 verses 13 and 14 that those who follow Him are the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world” it raises some questions! If he is the light, how can we also be light?

Jesus assures us that since His followers are forgiven and filled with his Holy Spirit their lives have a new capacity to shine! In this scripture, he says this shining is expressed in good works – acts of love, generosity and compassion. Yet these good works are not done in order to draw attention to ourselves and show how good we are. Rather, in Jesus’ mind, the kind of life that shines is the one that shows how good God is. The goal isn’t to simply be “good” people, but to reveal the goodness of God!

Every day we rub shoulders with people in streets, beaches, parks and workplaces who sense the world’s darkness and are looking for God’s light! Many are awaiting a light to shine on them and say, “Yes! God is real. He sees you. He is good and he loves you.” This is why Jesus says to let our lights shine. It’s for His glory and the good of those around us.

Despite the great need for light, there’s no need to be overwhelmed that it’s all up to us. While together, Jesus calls us, “a city on a hill”, Jesus directs each of us to simply light up our own ‘house’ (Matthew 5:15). In the same way each house has unique lighting based on its size, style and occupants, the people we live, work, study and play with need God’s light shone in unique ways. While I cannot share Jesus with the people I work with, I can share Jesus with those I live with. While you cannot reveal God’s goodness to those on the other side of the world, you can share it with those on your own street. It just might be that God has put you in your current family, workplace, team or neighbourhood so that your experience, language, relationships, education, mindset or disposition can shine Jesus in a uniquely effective manner!

If we each light up the “houses” God places us in, together we will become the “city on a hill” that can light up the entire world! So what kind of light has God given you and to whom can you most easily shine? Are there people in your home, neighbourhood, workplace or friendship circle that God has positioned you to share God’s goodness with?