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#32 Humble yourself like a child
Read Matthew 18:1-4
“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
While our culture often idolises the vigour of youth, most kids “can’t wait to grow up”! Despite missing the innocence and freedom of a normal childhood, most adults are glad to have left behind their child-ish Peter Pan-like thoughts and behaviours!
We know from the additional details in the gospel of Mark (see Mark 10:15) that the disciples held similar beliefs. To them, childhood and children were a necessary inconvenience. However, Jesus counters his apprentices with two points that are fundamentally at odds with their natural mindset: (1) God deeply values children and childhood, and (2) the humility of a child’s state in life reflects the humility required for anyone to come into a relationship with God.
One of the most beautiful and vulnerable aspects of a child’s life is their reliance upon benevolent “grown-ups”. On their journey to understanding self, others and the world children require sustenance, shelter and oversight. In this way, no child is truly “self-made”. Their very survival and success in the world are entirely reliant upon others.
Similarly, Jesus says it’s impossible to enter into God’s Kingdom on our own efforts. None of us are “self-made”. We rely on God’s love to seek us out, Jesus’ sacrifice to redeem us and His power to restore us to a new path.
So while many leaders, gurus and coaches implore us to “step up”, Jesus calls us to “step down” into child-like dependence upon Him. This is why Jesus insisted that we didn’t need just a new direction in life, but a completely new start in life. This new life requires the humility to learn new desires, hopes, beliefs and loves. This is what is required to live in the kingdom Jesus invites us to. To turn back the clock and be reborn by God into a completely new, humble, child-like faith.
What needs to change for you to become like a child, humbly trusting Jesus for all your needs?